About us

Behind the Liferayui.com

Welcome to Liferayui.com. My name is Harmeet Singh working as a Sr. UI Developer in Cignex Datamatics. I am belongs from the holy city of Amritsar, India. I have 5.5 years of experience in web development using HTML5, CSS3, Cross-browser / Cross-platform compatibility, RWD, JavaScript, AngularJS, D3JS, JQuery-UI, JQuery Mobile, Wordpress, Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Fireworks.

I Started this blog to contribute in Liferay and UI community.At Liferayui, we are mainly focused on UI technology like – HTML5, CSS3, RWD, JavaScript,AngularJS,nodeJS and jQuery. We also publish tips and tricks that can help into theme development in Liferay.

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